Need tax answers from #IRS right now? Our website has help available to you at a…

Need tax answers from #IRS right now? Our website has help available to you at any time: Source by IRSnews
The #IRS IP PIN can help protect you from tax-related fraud. To learn more or to…

The #IRS IP PIN can help protect you from tax-related fraud. To learn more or to sign up visit: Source by IRSnews
Attention extension filers: You don’t need to wait until the Oct. 17 deadline to…

Attention extension filers: You don’t need to wait until the Oct. 17 deadline to file. File as soon as you have all your info together. Watch this #IRS video to learn more: #FileNowIRS Source by IRSnews
Did you know #IRS is on LinkedIn? Get a tax tip or two and learn about IRS caree…

Did you know #IRS is on LinkedIn? Get a tax tip or two and learn about IRS career opportunities at Source by IRSnews
If you get a call from #IRS demanding immediate payment via prepaid debit card, …

If you get a call from #IRS demanding immediate payment via prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer, IT’S A SCAM. Don’t engage, learn to spot a fake: #TaxSecurity Source by IRSnews
Families in #Puerto Rico with qualifying children can receive the Child Tax Cred…

Families in #Puerto Rico with qualifying children can receive the Child Tax Credit by filing a tax return now. Learn more from #IRS at: Source by IRSnews
#FirstTimeFiler–congrats on your first real job! Now to fill out that #IRS Form…

#FirstTimeFiler–congrats on your first real job! Now to fill out that #IRS Form W-4. The amount of tax you have withheld will affect the amount of your paycheck. Get all the info you need @ Source by IRSnews
#IRS grants tax relief to victims of severe storms, flooding, landslides and mud…

#IRS grants tax relief to victims of severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides in Kentucky. Taxpayers in several affected areas now have additional time, until November 15, 2022, for certain filings and payments. See Source by IRSnews
Knowing the #IRS rules to claim a child as a dependent when parents are divorced…

Knowing the #IRS rules to claim a child as a dependent when parents are divorced, separated or living apart can make filing taxes easier for both parents. See: Source by IRSnews
¿Está esperando para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2021? ¡No hay razó…

¿Está esperando para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2021? ¡No hay razón para esperar! #IRS lo alienta a presentar su declaración electrónicamente tan pronto como esté listo. Source by IRSnews