Delaying only makes things worse, whether it’s standing on the high dive or wait…

Delaying only makes things worse, whether it’s standing on the high dive or waiting to file your taxes with the #IRS. Don’t wait – file as soon as you’re ready. See: Source by IRSnews
#DisabilityIndependenceDay: Las cuentas ABLE son un valioso beneficio tributario…

#DisabilityIndependenceDay: Las cuentas ABLE son un valioso beneficio tributario para contribuyentes con discapacidades. Conozca cómo estas cuentas pueden ayudarlo a pagar los gastos calificados relacionados con la discapacidad: Source by IRSnews
Make sure to keep all your tax records for three years from the date you filed a…

Make sure to keep all your tax records for three years from the date you filed a tax return. That includes #IRS letters, notices, prior year’s tax returns and more. See our recordkeeping tips at: Source by IRSnews
#IRS urges you to teach children to recognize and avoid online sharks ready to c…

#IRS urges you to teach children to recognize and avoid online sharks ready to chomp on your #TaxSecurity. Those less knowledgeable of cyberthreats can put themselves and others at risk by leaving a trail for fraudsters. Source by IRSnews
#IRS encourages taxpayers who have yet to file their 2021 tax return – including…

#IRS encourages taxpayers who have yet to file their 2021 tax return – including those who requested an extension – to file a complete and accurate return electronically as early as possible. There’s no need to wait until the October deadline. See Source by IRSnews
Need large print Spanish tax products in alternative formats? You can now get se…

Need large print Spanish tax products in alternative formats? You can now get several #IRS publications from the Alternative Media Center. Visit: Source by IRSnews
#Firsttimefiler: If you didn’t learn about paying taxes in school, don’t sweat, …

#Firsttimefiler: If you didn’t learn about paying taxes in school, don’t sweat, you’re not alone. We’ve got you covered, check out our video & online tools @ Source by IRSnews
¿Vivir con una discapacidad? Las distribuciones de las cuentas ABLE están libres…

¿Vivir con una discapacidad? Las distribuciones de las cuentas ABLE están libres de impuestos si se utilizan para gastos de discapacidad calificados. Obtenga más información del #IRS este #DisabilityIndependenceDay con este video: Source by IRSnews
Una verificación oportuna de su cheque de pago puede ayudarlo a protegerse contr…

Una verificación oportuna de su cheque de pago puede ayudarlo a protegerse contra una retención de impuestos muy pequeña en 2022. No deje sus impuestos al karma: Use el Estimador de retención de impuestos del #IRS hoy: Source by IRSnews
#IRS has two tax credits that can help cover higher education expenses: the Amer…

#IRS has two tax credits that can help cover higher education expenses: the American Opportunity and the Lifetime Learning credits. See what’s best for you: Source by IRSnews