is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help … is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help this summer. The #IRS online tools are available any time, so you can use them at your convenience. Source by IRSnews
#IRS “Dirty Dozen:” Calls demanding immediate payment via gift cards, wire trans…

#IRS “Dirty Dozen:” Calls demanding immediate payment via gift cards, wire transfers and prepaid debit cards are scams. Stay alert for your #TaxSecurity: Source by IRSnews
Now is a good time to check your tax withholding. A visit to the #IRS Tax Withho…

Now is a good time to check your tax withholding. A visit to the #IRS Tax Withholding Estimator today can help you avoid a tax bill next year: Source by IRSnews
¿Ha oído que el Crédito Tributario por Niños está ahora disponible a muchas fami…

¿Ha oído que el Crédito Tributario por Niños está ahora disponible a muchas familias en #PuertoRico? ¡Pues, es verdad! Vea los detalles y averigüe cómo reclamarlo en el sitio del #IRS Source by IRSnews
#IRS insta a todos a tener cuidado con las llamadas, mensajes de texto y correos…

#IRS insta a todos a tener cuidado con las llamadas, mensajes de texto y correos electrónicos sospechosos que prometen beneficios tributarios falsos. Manténgase informado con la lista “Dirty Dozen” del IRS: #Taxsecurity Source by IRSnews
You can now check the status of your three most recent tax years’ refunds with t…

You can now check the status of your three most recent tax years’ refunds with the #IRS “Where’s My Refund?” online tool–accessible on or the IRS2Go mobile app. Source by IRSnews
An IP PIN helps block your tax account from identity thieves trying to file frau…

An IP PIN helps block your tax account from identity thieves trying to file fraudulent tax returns using your information. To learn more about this #IRS program that ETAAC calls “the No. 1 security tool” visit: #IPPIN Source by IRSnews
Beware of bogus job postings on social media that demand your personal and finan…

Beware of bogus job postings on social media that demand your personal and financial info up front. Scammers can use your data to file fraudulent returns among other schemes. Learn more about these scams on the #IRS “Dirty Dozen” list: #TaxSecurity Source by IRSnews
¿Necesita configurar o modificar un plan de pago del #IRS? Los bots de voz ampli…

¿Necesita configurar o modificar un plan de pago del #IRS? Los bots de voz ampliados pueden ayudarlo a evitar largos tiempos de espera. Comience configurando un PIN para verificar fácilmente su identidad: Source by IRSnews
#IRS “Dirty Dozen:” Spear phishing remains one of the biggest threats to the tax…

#IRS “Dirty Dozen:” Spear phishing remains one of the biggest threats to the tax industry and other client-based businesses. Read more about how #TaxPros can protect their credentials and clients’ data at #TaxSecurity Source by IRSnews