#IRS has paid +$1.05B in over 2,500 awards to whistleblowers since 2007. Info pr…

#IRS has paid +$1.05B in over 2,500 awards to whistleblowers since 2007. Info provided led to the collection of over $6 billion from non-compliant taxpayers. Learn more about the IRS Whistleblower Office: https://t.co/xOniEC1R0U #IRSCloserLook https://t.co/z1Bx1QAypu Source by IRSnews
#IRS brinda alivio tributario a víctimas de tormentas severas, tornados e inunda…

#IRS brinda alivio tributario a víctimas de tormentas severas, tornados e inundaciones que afectaron recientemente a Oklahoma, como parte de una respuesta federal coordinada basada en evaluaciones de daños realizadas por @FEMA. Visite: https://t.co/xzANqMfR8o https://t.co/JnmAUNCk5r Source by IRSnews
Rendir una planilla al #IRS reclamando el Crédito Tributario por Niños permitirá…

Rendir una planilla al #IRS reclamando el Crédito Tributario por Niños permitirá a muchas familias en #PuertoRico recibir hasta $3,600 por cada niño calificado. No pase por alto este beneficio – obtenga información y reclame ahora su dinero https://t.co/Fp3H52Ni4G https://t.co/MB8V8mZQLS Source by IRSnews
Don’t wait to file: #IRS encourages taxpayers with October filing extensions and…

Don’t wait to file: #IRS encourages taxpayers with October filing extensions and others who still need to file a 2021 tax return to file electronically ASAP. See https://t.co/ibgUZdjDCm https://t.co/dlwiv0ciSa Source by IRSnews
Si califica para el El Crédito tributario por niños en Puerto Rico y solicita el…

Si califica para el El Crédito tributario por niños en Puerto Rico y solicita el depósito directo de su reembolso, podrá obtener su dinero más rápido. Recuerde, tenemos mucha información para ayudarle en el sito web del IRS. https://t.co/JgwTZeFnA5 Source by IRSnews
Update your business address of record with #IRS so you don’t miss any notificat…

Update your business address of record with #IRS so you don’t miss any notification of necessary actions on backup withholding you make to your payees. https://t.co/FNq5FkiQyB https://t.co/A5YpdibB5W Source by IRSnews
Coming soon: Expanded #IRS voice bots will give taxpayers quicker access to thei…

Coming soon: Expanded #IRS voice bots will give taxpayers quicker access to their account and return transcripts, payment history and current balances owed. https://t.co/YrkVRs6YgZ https://t.co/ASpjGAPzd5 Source by IRSnews
DYK #IRS is on Instagram? Check out our handle: …

DYK #IRS is on Instagram? Check out our handle: https://t.co/EPeLJbjm3S https://t.co/ykRwET0NZT Source by IRSnews
Need to find the status of a previous years’ refund? You can now track your refu…

Need to find the status of a previous years’ refund? You can now track your refunds for the past two years using the “Where’s My Refund?” online tool—available on https://t.co/kcgZUfN9B4 or the IRS2Go mobile app. https://t.co/Yyt8kUM8Ip https://t.co/28LB03l8dd Source by IRSnews
Spread the word about the Child Tax Credit. Many families in #PuertoRico could b…

Spread the word about the Child Tax Credit. Many families in #PuertoRico could benefit with up to $3,600 per qualified child when they file an #IRS tax return. https://t.co/RbvJKn1QNe https://t.co/E4USjddsGE Source by IRSnews