#TaxPros, it’s Week 1 of the 2022 #IRS Nationwide Tax Forums. See this week’s sc…

#TaxPros, it’s Week 1 of the 2022 #IRS Nationwide Tax Forums. See this week’s schedule: Advisory/Compliance Considerations for Making S-Election, the Fundamentals and Tax Treatment of Digital Assets/Virtual Currency and more: https://t.co/cCFC5vkTrk # IRSTaxForum https://t.co/favYldCPzR Source by IRSnews
Your business may enjoy a temporary 100% deduction for expenses paid for food or…

Your business may enjoy a temporary 100% deduction for expenses paid for food or beverages provided by a restaurant. See the #IRS guidance at: https://t.co/Cw9K5ErVPH https://t.co/v62EEHt4dM Source by IRSnews
DYK day camp expenses can be used to claim the child and dependent care credit? …

DYK day camp expenses can be used to claim the child and dependent care credit? Learn more by watching this #IRS video: https://t.co/LdPZZoYJN8. Source by IRSnews
Congrats on your first job! Now, what do you do with this W-4 form? The #IRS has…

Congrats on your first job! Now, what do you do with this W-4 form? The #IRS has a simple-to-use online tool to help you fill it out. It’s just that easy. Go to https://t.co/ANKvgSyccT #Firsttimefiler https://t.co/wUiqTIKKN4 Source by IRSnews
FTB is hiring! Are you eager to use your technical skills to analyze and process…

FTB is hiring! Are you eager to use your technical skills to analyze and process data to gain key business insights? To join this high-growth field of data analytics, click on the link below and apply today. https://t.co/uDXkWgKS2J https://t.co/hU15waqAYn Source by California FTB
Filing taxes doesn’t mean you forget about taxes for the rest of the year. What …

Filing taxes doesn’t mean you forget about taxes for the rest of the year. What you do now may affect any tax you could owe or refund you may expect next year. #IRS Publication 5349 has everything you need: https://t.co/8Xagxeyw4y https://t.co/0SPrbYy3UI Source by IRSnews
El PIN IP del #IRS brinda una capa adicional de seguridad para proteger a person…

El PIN IP del #IRS brinda una capa adicional de seguridad para proteger a personas del fraude relacionado con los impuestos. Obtenga más información sobre cómo el #IPPIN evita el uso indebido de su información personal: https://t.co/VKD301fNXh https://t.co/lbbVm0k945 Source by IRSnews
#Summer2022: Fireworks, fun in the sun and more business income! Get tax ready w…

#Summer2022: Fireworks, fun in the sun and more business income! Get tax ready with #IRS unique tax rules for your seasonal business: https://t.co/to6NDRZYuz https://t.co/BCP6ppTccJ Source by IRSnews
Families in Puerto Rico can benefit from the #ChildTaxCredit. Watch this short v…

Families in Puerto Rico can benefit from the #ChildTaxCredit. Watch this short video from the #IRS to learn more: https://t.co/tfIdrPMvoJ Source by IRSnews
IP PIN ayuda a bloquear su cuenta de impuestos de ladrones de identidad que inte…

IP PIN ayuda a bloquear su cuenta de impuestos de ladrones de identidad que intentan presentar declaraciones fraudulentas utilizando su información. Más información sobre este programa del #IRS que ETAAC llama “la herramienta de seguridad número 1”, https://t.co/VKD301xplR #IPPIN https://t.co/9cQBr7hHL0 Source by IRSnews