Beginning with tax year 2021, eligibility for the #ChildTaxCredit expanded to re…

Beginning with tax year 2021, eligibility for the #ChildTaxCredit expanded to residents of Puerto Rico with one or more qualifying children. Watch this short #IRS video to learn more: Source by IRSnews
The #IRS Security Summit kicked off this summer’s “Protect Your Clients; Protect…

The #IRS Security Summit kicked off this summer’s “Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself” campaign on July 19. The five-part series geared toward #TaxPros will include topics such as avoiding spear phishing scams and signing clients up for an IP PIN. Source by IRSnews
¿No ha presentado una declaración de impuestos al #IRS de 2021? Dos palabras: Mu…

¿No ha presentado una declaración de impuestos al #IRS de 2021? Dos palabras: Multas e intereses. Puede minimizarlos presentando electrónicamente ahora y pagando lo más que pueda, si debe impuestos y no puede pagarlos en su totalidad. Comience en Source by IRSnews
is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help … is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help this summer. The #IRS online tools are available any time, so you can use them at your convenience. Source by IRSnews
Familias en #PuertoRico con niños calificados pueden recibir el Crédito Tributar…

Familias en #PuertoRico con niños calificados pueden recibir el Crédito Tributario por Niños radicando ahora una planilla de impuestos. Obtenga más información del #IRS en Source by IRSnews
Get an #IRS IP PIN to prevent a thief from stealing your Social Security number….

Get an #IRS IP PIN to prevent a thief from stealing your Social Security number. Check out this IRS video: Source by IRSnews
Waiting to file your 2021 tax return? There’s no reason to wait! #IRS encourages…

Waiting to file your 2021 tax return? There’s no reason to wait! #IRS encourages you to file electronically as soon as you’re ready. Source by IRSnews
#IRS reminder: Do NOT click on links or open any attachments from unsolicited em…

#IRS reminder: Do NOT click on links or open any attachments from unsolicited emails or texts. They may contain malware that could infect your devices and steal your personal and financial information. Don’t fall for this “Dirty Dozen” scam: Source by IRSnews
Business owners: Use the Income Tax Withholding Assistant for Employers tool to …

Business owners: Use the Income Tax Withholding Assistant for Employers tool to help your employees and automatically calculate their correct federal income tax withholding. Find more info: #IRS Source by IRSnews
Tax resources for tribal and Native American communities can be found on the #IR…

Tax resources for tribal and Native American communities can be found on the #IRS Volunteer Tax Assistance Resources for Indian Country webpage: Source by IRSnews