If you get a call from #IRS demanding immediate payment via prepaid debit card, …

If you get a call from #IRS demanding immediate payment via prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer, IT’S A SCAM. Don’t engage, learn to spot a fake: https://t.co/tRTy9uyTIs #TaxSecurity https://t.co/A7oxC3pQ4h Source by IRSnews
Families in #Puerto Rico with qualifying children can receive the Child Tax Cred…

Families in #Puerto Rico with qualifying children can receive the Child Tax Credit by filing a tax return now. Learn more from #IRS at: https://t.co/Fp3H52Ni4G https://t.co/cOQSMKSevd Source by IRSnews
#FirstTimeFiler–congrats on your first real job! Now to fill out that #IRS Form…

#FirstTimeFiler–congrats on your first real job! Now to fill out that #IRS Form W-4. The amount of tax you have withheld will affect the amount of your paycheck. Get all the info you need @ https://t.co/3fQSlsYHt3 https://t.co/s0EFc7wqII Source by IRSnews
#IRS grants tax relief to victims of severe storms, flooding, landslides and mud…

#IRS grants tax relief to victims of severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides in Kentucky. Taxpayers in several affected areas now have additional time, until November 15, 2022, for certain filings and payments. See https://t.co/6C2dPE8Qhr https://t.co/Y7zha96B66 Source by IRSnews
Knowing the #IRS rules to claim a child as a dependent when parents are divorced…

Knowing the #IRS rules to claim a child as a dependent when parents are divorced, separated or living apart can make filing taxes easier for both parents. See: https://t.co/ltjwF9wJfV https://t.co/8n3H63pOmx Source by IRSnews
¿Está esperando para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2021? ¡No hay razó…

¿Está esperando para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2021? ¡No hay razón para esperar! #IRS lo alienta a presentar su declaración electrónicamente tan pronto como esté listo. https://t.co/MyEyXuAj57 https://t.co/PC0Gom7Imf Source by IRSnews
is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help …

https://t.co/kcgZUfN9B4 is the fastest and most convenient way to get tax-related information and help this summer. The #IRS online tools are available any time, so you can use them at your convenience. https://t.co/BsFjHYSNuw https://t.co/VtXybnZdlb Source by IRSnews
#TaxPros, it’s Week 3 of the 2022 #IRS Nationwide Tax Forum. See this week’s sch…

#TaxPros, it’s Week 3 of the 2022 #IRS Nationwide Tax Forum. See this week’s schedule for Improving the Taxpayer Experience With the IRS Independent Office of Appeals, Looking into Tax Year 2022 and more: https://t.co/cCFC5vkTrk #IRSTaxForum https://t.co/kWfd2E8zaP Source by IRSnews
Businesses often need to hire workers on a seasonal or part-time basis. Visit #I…

Businesses often need to hire workers on a seasonal or part-time basis. Visit #IRS Publication 15 for information on your responsibilities as a part-time or seasonal employer: https://t.co/xcWDhiOKhx #Summer2022 https://t.co/VmFz49cSVZ Source by IRSnews
#TaxSecurity reminder: The #IRS doesn’t request personal or financial informatio…

#TaxSecurity reminder: The #IRS doesn’t request personal or financial information through text message, email or social media. Read more about suspicious communications on the “Dirty Dozen” list: https://t.co/8N3qfovjgp https://t.co/ukU7qOy3qk Source by IRSnews