Victims of severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that began on May 2, 2022, in …

Victims of severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding that began on May 2, 2022, in parts of Oklahoma may qualify for tax relief from the #IRS. Source by IRSnews
DYK convenient electronic tax filing options, including #IRS Free File, are stil…

DYK convenient electronic tax filing options, including #IRS Free File, are still available? If you still haven’t filed a 2021 tax return, don’t wait. Check your options today. Source by IRSnews
Tax relief is now available to victims of severe storms and flooding in parts of…

Tax relief is now available to victims of severe storms and flooding in parts of Montana, as part of a coordinated federal response based on damage assessments by @fema For #IRS information on this, visit Source by IRSnews
Extension filers: The #IRS encourages you to file soon and use as a resource fo…

Extension filers: The #IRS encourages you to file soon and use as a resource for any summertime tax help. Source by IRSnews
Help the #IRS protect your Social Security number. Get a six-digit IP PIN to pre…

Help the #IRS protect your Social Security number. Get a six-digit IP PIN to prevent fraud on your tax return. See more: Source by IRSnews
Las opciones ampliadas del bot de voz del #IRS ayudan a contribuyentes a configu…

Las opciones ampliadas del bot de voz del #IRS ayudan a contribuyentes a configurar o modificar un plan de pago y evitan largos tiempos de espera. Source by IRSnews
Thieves continue to use pandemic-related schemes that threaten your #TaxSecurity…

Thieves continue to use pandemic-related schemes that threaten your #TaxSecurity, including filing fraudulent unemployment claims. #IRS urges you to remain vigilant by checking out the full list of its “Dirty Dozen” tax scams: Source by IRSnews
Victims of wildfires in parts of New Mexico now have until August 31, 2022, to f…

Victims of wildfires in parts of New Mexico now have until August 31, 2022, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. Details from #IRS at Source by IRSnews
Got a new business? The form of business you operate determines what taxes you p…

Got a new business? The form of business you operate determines what taxes you pay and how you pay them. See the general types of #IRS business taxes. Learn more: Source by IRSnews
#IRS y la Cumbre de Seguridad alientan a #TaxPros a correr la voz entre los clie…

#IRS y la Cumbre de Seguridad alientan a #TaxPros a correr la voz entre los clientes sobre la inscripción en el programa #IPPIN. Lea por qué la ETAAC lo llama “la herramienta de seguridad número 1” contra el fraude tributario: Source by IRSnews